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Employee Spotlight – Katie Hatcher

Katie Hatcher is the community manager for Bull Creek Mobile Home Park located in Columbus, Georgia.  Katie has a degree in Business Management and has been in the property manager role for 8 years.  She has been the community manager at Bull Creek for almost 3 years.  Some of her duties include rent collections, home sales, making sure the park looks good and that everything in the park runs smoothly.

Katie has been married for 12 years and has 2 children.  Her hobbies include shipping, boating, going to the beach and riding ATV’s.  She is passionate about interior decorating, and in her spare time has been busy putting her passion to good use, as she and her husband recently closed on their new home.

Something very interesting and special happened to Katie recently.  For 33 years she never knew her biological father, nor did he know about her.  She had a DNA test done and found her father, and a half sister.  She reached out to him and immediately heard back.  She and her father will now be able to start building a relationship.

Bull Creek Mobile Home Park in Columbus, Georgia is only minutes from the beautiful Chattahoochee River and Riverwalk.  Columbus is the 3rd largest city in the state and home to the Fort Benning Army Ranger Training School.

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